Designing for people.
Designing for change.

Hi, I'm Dhwani! — a product designer passionate about solving human-centered problems with a particular interest in designing for inclusivity, accessibility & social connectivity.

Case Studies

I like thinking through problems. Following are some case studies and they have taught me a lot about business goals, user experience and product sense.

Point Break

Industry Project | Product Design | User Research  


A responsive web-based dashboard experience for the caregivers and providers of the Hearing Loss Clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital

Industry Project | Consumer UX | B2B2C

Improving Wellbeing

At Cambia Health Solutions Inc., I led design efforts for the well-being in Journi mobile app, helping users see health and healthcare more holistically

Point Break

Product Design | User Research | Visual


An ultimate preparation guide for beginner hikers

Art Installation | Product Design


An interactive educational tool to raise awareness about street harassment


As NN/g says - UX Without User Research Is Not UX. So here are some of the projects that helped me navigate research in the UX world.

Point Break

Evaluative Research

Productivity on the go

A two-fold UX research study on how college students use mobile productivity applications in non-traditional working spaces

Coming Soon

Quantitative Research

Donation and
Social media

How might seeing donations from others on social media impact a person's willingness to donate? 

Coming Soon